John “Lazarus” Edgar Howard


Personal and Family Information

John was born on 16 JUN 1718 in New Kent, Nansemond County, Virginia, the son of James Howard and Sarah Elizabeth Titus.

He died on 3 FEB 1771 in Bertie, North Carolina.

His wife was Mary Catherine Sanders, who he married in ABT 1735 in North Carolina, USA. Their nine known children were Julius (c1736-1829), Milly (1742-?), Mary (1745-?), Thomas (1745-1822), Sarah Ann (1746-?), William “Buck” Nathaniel (1747-1816), John (1750-1785), Bevelah (c1750-1790) and Judith (1760-1870).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


John “Lazarus” Edgar Howard


James Howard


Mary Chowan


Sarah Elizabeth Titus


Thomas Titus



Birth16 JUN 1718
Place: New Kent, Nansemond County, Virginia
Death3 FEB 1771
Place: Bertie, North Carolina


Note 1

!Source: Howard-Bailey Family Tree, Sandra VanConant

John "Lazarus" Edgar Howard


Birth 16 JUN 1719 • New Kent, Nansemond County, Virginia, USA

Death 1772 • Bertie, North Carolina



John Howard


Frances Denson


Spouse and children

Mary Sanders


John, Jr. Howard


Julius Howard


Milly Howard


Mary Howard


Thomas Howard


Sarah Ann Howard


William "Buck" Nathanial Howard


Bevelah Howard


Thomas Howard


Mordecai Howard


Nancy Howard



John Lazarus Howard Sr.


John Lazarus Howard Sr.

Born 16 Jun 1718 in Nansemond, Colony of Virginiamap [uncertain]

Ancestors ancestors

Son of James Howard and Sarah Elizabeth Howard

Brother of Soloman Howard, Stephan Edmond Howard, Sarah Howard, Joseph Howard, James Howard, Samuel Howard and Edward Howard


Husband of Mary Katherine Howard — married 1735 in North Carolinamap

Descendants descendants

Father of Julius Howard, Sarah Anna Sims, William Henry Howard, Sarah Ann Osborne, John J Howard Jr., James Howard and Judith Schlosser


Died about 3 Feb 1771 at about age 52 in Bute, Province of North Carolinamap

Problems/Questions Profile managers: Mark Shernick private message [send private message], Dianne Farquharson private message [send private message], Cheryl Aselin private message [send private message], Jay Andrews private message [send private message], James McGehee private message [send private message], Susan Quinn private message [send private message], and Mariann Cook Andrews private message [send private message]

Profile last modified 23 Mar 2023 | Created 9 Jun 2011




John Howard married Katherine Mary Sanders . Some sources say they wed in Virginia, some say North Carolina.


They had at least eight children during their marriage. Some sources indicate 11 children, including:


Thomas Howard born Abt 1723.

John Howard born Abt 1725.

Elizabeth Howard born Abt 1728.

Mary Howard born Abt 1730.

William Howard born Abt 1732.

Julius Howard born Abt 1735.

Sarah Ann Howard born Abt 1737


Other wikitree children:


Sarah Ann Osborne

Julius Howard

James Howard

Judith Schlosser


Wife and children listed in Will:




Elisha Sims








John Howard and Mary Sanders in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900


Name: John Howard

Gender: Male

Birth Place: VA

Spouse Name: Mary Sanders

Marriage State: of NC

Number Pages: 1


There is no proof or source that records John had another wife from Mary Catherine Sanders. This is not the John Howard married to Frances Denson. Please read his entire original will. Do not add other spouses for John without providing irrefutable evidence.


Fact: Do not merge with the other John in this family, LY45-L57 . One of these men is clearly misplaced. Father James mentions son John in his will. The John Howard L89R-SN3 names his wife, Mary, and his children in his own will, and bequeaths land similar in description to that which was given by James. I think this is likely the correct John for this family.


John Howard's Will


North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998 for James Howard


North Carolina Record of Wills, 1760-1780, Pages 7A & 7B

GS Film Number 002433688

Digital Folder Number 005328792

"North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979," database with images, FamilySearch , John Howard, 1771; citing Bute, North Carolina, United States, State Archives, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 2,433,688.


Name: John Howard , Sr. Sex: M Death: 1770 in Bute Co., North Carolina

Note:Born 1718 in VA.

Residence: Bute Co., North Carolina Occupation: Farmer. __________ Will: Bute Co., :North Carolina Record of Wills, 1760 - 1780 Pages 7A and 7B


In the name of God amen: I John Howard of the county of Bute and Province of North Carlina being very sick and weak of body but of Perfect mind an Memory. thanks Be to Almighty god: calling unto mind the Mortality of my body. and knowing it is appointed for all --- once to die. do make and ordain This my last will and Tes tament: that is to say. Principally and first of all I give and I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty god That gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent christian burial at the Discretion of my Extors. nothing douting but at the general Resurrection I Shall recieve the same a gain by the mighty power of god: and as touching such worldly Estate where with it hath been Pleased God to bless me in this life I give, Demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form --- First I give and bequeath to Mary my dearly beloved wife all the moveable Effects of my Estate dureing the Time of her widowhood and if she discon tinues a widow she forfeits her right of these Effects which I leave to --- Devided a mong my children as my Extors. Shall see fit acording to thire ------- and in case she should continue a widow till death I desire it may be Devided as above mentioned I leave to my son Julius the land and Plantation whereon I now live. but for my wife to have a right and Previledge in These land and Plantation dureing her widdow hood or dureing her life if She continues a widow and in case she should marry She forfeits the right of These Premisses and as I allow that the land and plan tation is more then and equal part for my son Julius he is to pay ten pounds apeice to my two youngist sons Bevalah and William I leave to my son Thomas & John a tract of land Lying on The long branch to be Equal Divided between them The lower part for Thomas and The upper part for John and as These land is not Cleared out of the office I shall leave money with my beloved wife for the Clearing of The same I leave to Each and Every one of my Daughters Twenty Shillings apeice amd I do hereby Constitute and appoint Elisha Sims & Julius Howard Extors. of This my last will and Testament and ---- Divine it may be received by all as Such and as Trustees for my Dear wife and children in witness whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal The twenty fourth day of Septr in the Year of our lord 1770 -------------- Signed Sealed & Delivered } his In the Presence of } John X Howard . Please read this John and his father James' entire original wills.


James Howard will transcription


James has a tremendous amount of land and property divided in this will comprising seven pages. It is difficult to read in places due to folding and tearing of the paper, but it is mostly legible.



In the name of God, Amen. James Howard of Bertie precinct in North Carolina. This sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty nine being sick in body but of sound & perfect memory Praise be given to God for the same and recognizing the uncertainty of this mortal life here on earth And willing to settle his worldly things in order that no lawsuits about the same may hereafter arise Do make this my last will & testament in manner following viz--- [Two lines unreadable due to fold in page]...Savior and redeemer Jesus Christ and my body to [...] be buried in a Christian manner. And for my worldly affects [...] the Lord Almighty hath sent me. My will & meaning is that I revoke and make said all wills & testaments by me formerly made and declare this being my last will & testament. Primo- that my just debts & contracts be honestly paid I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife SARAH that part of the plantation whereon I now live being in Bertie Precinct. Containing about three hundred acres of land and also half of it ground, & all the buildings and thereto belonging to it. [barely legible lines describing land boundaries of land purchased from Rich'd Williams, and that it should be "made of the whole tow parts" that his wife is to have half for her support in her widowhood. Son SOLOMON is to receive said land upon his reaching twenty years of age]...before my son Solomon comes or arrives to the age of twenty years them my will is that she may live upon the Land. Committing no waste & keeping the plantation and buildings in good repair until my son Solomon arrives to the age of twenty years. And this aforementioned land [difficult to read, more about wife's widowhood and decease] I give unto my son Solomon & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. And for want of such lawful heirs I give & bequeath the land et viz remainder and possession of the land unto my son EDWARD and to his heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever. and for want of such heirs I give and bequeath the afs land et unto y son JOHN and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.


Fact: Regarding citation of Warren County NC Records Vol I and II, these are will abstracts only, naming John Howard and the executors Elisha Simms and Julius Howard. The will referenced is already in the source box fully transcribed.

Fact: No source given that proves parents are James Obadiah Howard and Sarah Titus They should be removed from the tree until such sourcing is available. No real proof that this is the son John Howard referred to in James Howard's will. There is not a second element of truth. More research and proof is needed here, such as the sale or transfer of the land left to him by his father .




↑ U S census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820


For further research, please see the following wiki pages:

Nansemond County, Virginia Wiki

Brunswick County, Virginia Wiki

Bute County, North Carolina page

Granville County, North Carolina Wiki

Franklin County, North Carolina Wiki

Warren County, North Carolina Wiki

North Carolina Wiki


Warren County, NC GenWeb Archives




The Howards of Eastern Kentucky by the Magoffin County KY Historical Society.

Fact: The Howards of Eastern KY by Magoffin County KY Historical Society The three volumes and the index to this collection are currently out of circulation and are being digitized for online use by the FHL in Utah . Contradictory familial relationships that cite this book without giving specific bibliography will soon be corrected.

Warren County, North Carolina Records Vol I:

Abstracted Records, Colonial Bute Co., NC, 1764-1779

Deeds, Colonial Bute Co., NC

Warren County, North Carolina Records Vol II:

Abstracts Deed BK A, 1764-1766,

Weeks, Stephen B. et al. Index to The State Records of North Carolina , Vol. 2 F - L, pp. 291-293 Howard


Online Family Trees


Christensen, Bonnie Gay. My Eastern Kentucky Family and Much More, John Howard Page, Rootsweb Family Trees

"John Lazarus Howard " Fact Page, Howard Heflin Family Tree, at this link:

"John Howard 1700-1771" Family Central Network Family Services.

"Family Tree," database, FamilySearch , entry for John Howard; contributed by various users.

Ancestry Profile




WikiTree profile Howard-2016 created through the import of The Sammons Family Tree.ged on Jun 9, 2011 by Steve Sammons.

!Source: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

Name John Howard

Gender Male

Birth Place VA

Spouse Name Mary Sanders

Marriage State of NC

Number Pages 1

!Source: U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934

Name Lazarus Howd [John L Howard]

Gender Male

Unit A 1 Nc Col'd Ha; A; E 74 Uscha

Filing Date 30 Jun 1880

Filing Place North Carolina, USA

Relation to Head Soldier


Mary Howard