Thomas Titus


Personal and Family Information

Thomas was born about 1630 in Isle Of Wright, Virginia, the son of unknown parents.

He died about 1660 in Bertie, North Carolina.

His wife is not known. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their only known child was Sarah Elizabeth (c1660->1729).


BirthABT 1630
Place: Isle Of Wright, Virginia
DeathABT 1660
Place: Bertie, North Carolina


Note 1


Thomas Titus


Thomas Titus

Born about 1630 in Isle of Wight, Virginiamap [uncertain]

Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]

[sibling unknown]

[spouse unknown]

Descendants descendants

Father of Sarah Elizabeth Howard

Died 1660 at about age 30 in Bertie County, North Carolinamap

Problems/Questions Profile manager: Merri Bright private message [send private message]

Profile last modified 28 Apr 2024 | Created 9 Jun 2011

There are disproven, disputed, or competing theories about this person's parents.


Thomas was born about 1630. Thomas Titus ... [1]

This profile is a collaborative work-in-progress. Can you contribute information or sources?

Research Notes

Disputed parents:

Thomas is listed as being born in 1630 in Virginia.[2] Original parents listed for Thomas did not arrive in America until 1635. Thomas also is not listed in Hannah Titus' will.[3]

This could mean that the birth date is incorrect and that he died prior to his mother. If Hannah had disowned him, it was customary at the time to leave a token in a will, which did not occur.

Original parents, now disconnected pending reliable sources, listed as:

Hannah Titus or Hannah Titus and Robert Titus


↑ First-hand information as remembered by Larry Arrowood, Saturday, November 8, 2014. Replace this citation if there is another source.

↑ Hopewell April 1635 Founders of New England: Records of Ships Passenger Lists from England to New England between 1620 and 1640. This set of ships passenger lists includes ships to Virginia , Barbadoes, Bermuda, West Indies and of course New England Lorine's Note: This set of records consists of various passenger lists, names of individuals ready to sail to New England, and names of those taking the Oath of Allegiance . It is not always obvious when each ship left. Researchers will have to determine whether or not a ship made more than one sailing each year it is mentioned. The original spelling has been maintained, so you will see "Landen" for "London", etc. Note that common words found are "uxor" meaning "wife", "mr" for "Master" Finding the names: You can browse each list, starting with the one below . To browse the passenger lists of all ships I have online for this 20 year period to New England see the list of all known ships that made the voyage. I hope to find passenger lists for every ship on the list, so if you have a ship list, please consider donating it to Olive Tree. Transcriber: Laura Freeman,

↑ office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, in Albany, N.Y; Leo Joseph Titus Jr. . Titus—A North American Family History. Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press

See Also:

Source: S2852711167 Title: Public Member Trees Author:


WikiTree profile Titus-242 created through the import of The Sammons Family Tree.ged on Jun 9, 2011 by Steve Sammons.

WikiTree profile Titus-297 created through the import of Rhodes 2011_2011-07-09_01_01.ged on Jul 9, 2011 by Tom Rhodes.