- private family guestbook

Always interested to find out about the family name!Keep up the good work

Added: November 17, 2016
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What an excellent website! Thank you for sharing your information.

I see that you have parents listed for Peter and Christina Lind. Do you recall where you found these names? I've tried to find other sources (marriage or census records) to find additional information, but have come up empty handed.

Also, I have a lead that you might be interested in. Christina's sister appears to be Caroline Larson of Osage City, Kansas. The two sources I've found for this are Caroline's obituary (on and the 1900 and 1905 census records, where the two families are listed together.

I can send you links if you send me an email. Thanks again!

Added: October 2, 2016
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Hi, what a great website. I am the Great Granddaughter of Colin Wilson & Anna Hotchkiss from Burlingame Kansas. My Grandmother was their daughter Mary Ann born. I have been working on a family tree and this website has provided me with a lot of information. Thank you so much.

Added: August 28, 2016
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The entire site has now been updated for the first time since 2008, with much new information, new pictures in the grave gallery, new gallery software, and a new version of the GEDitCOM program I use to generate the individual people files. My web provider moved me to my own server, since my site was too large, and somehow lost all the guestbook pages. I haven't quite finished going through all the links on the info page. I do apologize if you tried to use the links in the text on the main page or the Patriarchs page. The new GEDitCOM software put stuff in different places and I didn't notice I had to go back and update them all, but I think they are working now. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Admin reply: (I guess I should note that I got a lot of the guestbook pages from a backup I had on my home pc).

Added: July 13, 2016
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Great work!

Added: June 27, 2016
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Great website have been trying to find about this side of the family and was contacted by someone on ancestry and informed of the site. I am the greatgranddaughter of John Hotchkiss born in Old Monkland Coatbridge in 1842 and his father was James Hotchkiss and mother was Janet Jenkins. Is anyone related to this side of the family? Would be great to get some more info

Admin reply: Well, John is my first cousin 6 times removed. I think you will find quite a few relatives listed on my site. However, since he was on the 1841 census as 6 months old, you might want to revise what you have for his birth date....
!Source: 1841 Census Old Monkland, Lanarkshire
James Hotchkiss male 40, Coal Miner, not born in county but in Scotland
Janet Jenkins female 30, not born in county but in Scotland
Rob Hotchkiss male 9, born in county
Helen Hotchkiss male? 9?, born in county
Martha Hotchkiss female 5, born in county
John Hotchkiss male 6 months, born in county

Added: August 31, 2012
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: July 25, 2012
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my father was bruce hotchkiss and his was george hotchkiss but i never knew either one and have no knowledge but a lot of interest about where i come from

Added: July 18, 2012
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Hi! I was just doing some family tree searches and came across this site... I'm a great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius & Christina Hotchkiss!

My tree goes: Cornelius & Christina (nee Ferguson) Hotchkiss --> Leo & Christina (nee Hotchkiss) Connors --> Seymour & Joan (nee Connors) Levittan --> Robert & Barbara (nee Horn) Levittan --> Me!

Admin reply: Hi Katie. Thanks. You'll be in the next version of the tree the site. Sorry it took so long.

Added: June 9, 2012
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My family line originated from New Guilford, Connecticut. My father was Robert Eugene Hotchkiss. His father/mother was Ralph Henry/ Ethel Springer Hotchkiss and his father/mother was Ben Hotchkiss/Rotina Hotchkiss and his father was Henry Hotchkiss who came to Ohio on a stage coach from Connecticut.

Admin reply: I think you most likely belong to the Samuel line out of Connecticut. Contact these folks.

Added: April 22, 2012
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