Joseph Howard


Personal and Family Information

Joseph was born about 1702, the son of James Howard and Sarah Elizabeth Titus. The place is not known.

He died about 1777. The place is not known.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Joseph Howard


James Howard


Mary Chowan


Sarah Elizabeth Titus


Thomas Titus



BirthABT 1702
DeathABT 1777


Note 1


Joseph Howard


Joseph Howard

Born about 1702 [location unknown]

Ancestors ancestors

Son of James Howard and Sarah Elizabeth Howard

Brother of Soloman Howard, Stephan Edmond Howard, Sarah Howard, James Howard, Samuel Howard, Edward Howard and John Lazarus Howard Sr. [spouse unknown]

Descendants descendants

Father of Hezekiah Howard

Died about 1777 at about age 75 [location unknown]

Problems/Questions Profile manager: Charles Strahan private message [send private message]

Profile last modified 1 Jan 2020



Joseph was born about 1702. He passed away about 1777.


J.M Howard family resources... Tax records etc. NC.