Joseph Parsons


Personal and Family Information

Joseph was born on 25 JUN 1620 in Beaminster, Dorset, England, the son of Willem Hugh Parsons and Margaretha Agnes Hotchkiss / Hoskins.

He died on 9 OCT 1683 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

His wife was Mary Bliss, who he married on 26 NOV 1646 in Belstone, West Devon Borough, Devon, England. Their fourteen known children were Joseph (1647-1729), Benjamin (1649-1649), John (1650-1728), Samuel (1652-1734), Ebanezer (1655-1675), Jonathan (1657-1694), David (1659-?), Mary (1661-1711), Hannah (1663-1739), Anbigail (1666-1689), Benjamin (1668-1668), Esther (1670-1670), Hester (1672-1760) and Benjamin (1672-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Joseph Parsons


Willem Hugh Parsons


John Thomas Parsons


Margaretha Agnes Hotchkiss / Hoskins


Robert Hotchkiss / Hoskins


William Hotchkiss / Hoskins


Edith Hine


Margaret Comet



Birth25 JUN 1620
Place: Beaminster, Dorset, England
Death9 OCT 1683
Place: Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts




Note 1

!Source: howard-Baily Family Tree, Sandra VanConant

Cornet Joseph Parsons Sr


Birth 25 JUNE 1620 • Beaminster, West Dorset District, Dorset, England

Death 9 OCT 1683 • Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA

French Indian War

King Philips War



Margaret Hoskins Parsons


15 Jan 1580

Beaminster, West Dorset District, Dorset, England



Beaminster, West Dorset District, Dorset, England


St Mary of the Annunciation Churchyard

Beaminster, West Dorset District, Dorset, England

Memorial ID

125833191 · View Source

William Parson and Margaret Hoskins were married on November 15, 1602 in Beaminster St. Mary, Dorset. Margaret died after 1625 after birth of her son Benjamin Parsons .



William Parsons


Thomas Parsons


Joseph Parsons <<<


Benjamin Parsons


!Source: Descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons, Springfield, 1636--Northampton

CORNET JOSEPH PARSONS b. Beaminster about 1620. He was known in many subsequent records by his military title, Cornet Joseph Parsons, came to America as a boy but earned prominence as a public servant and founder of towns, which grew into cities. Joseph was the child of Margaret Hoskins and William Parsons . His maternal grandparents were Robert and Margret Hoskins, one of two couples of that name in Beaminster, England, both of whom had a daughter named Margaret.

He came to Massachusetts in 1635 aboard the Transport out of Gravesend, County Kent. Joseph Parsons received many notations in colonial town records. Young Joseph is mentioned as a witness to a deed on July 15, 1636 in Springfield, MA. The deed was between Joseph Pyncheon and local Indians. The wealthy Pincheon may have sponsored his young friend in establishing himself in Springfield as well as in Northampton.

In 1646, Joseph was appointed highway surveyor of Springfield, holding this position in 1653. In 1652, Joseph was elected a Springfield Selectman but was living in Northampton, MA by 1655. In December of 1656 in Northampton, Joseph Parsons was elected to the Board of Selectmen. He served as Selectman in 1659, 1664, 1667, and 1670. Joseph served frequently as a juror.

In 1834, an examination of Northampton records by Dr. Usher Parsons revealed that Joseph Parsons' house lot covered four acres. He bought an adjoining lot and in 1661, was licensed to keep "an ordinary," or house of entertainment in Northampton. Also in 1661, Joseph Parsons was made a member of a committee to lay out the plans of the Meeting House and residence for the Rev. Eleazer Mather, first minister of Northampton. In this same year, Joseph was on a committee to meet with counterparts of Newtown, MA to see to the establishment of a road between Newtown and Northampton; in 1670, Joseph Parsons was made a member of the committee to construct a "Cart bridge" over the Munhan River.


Joseph Parsons was one of two persons of Northampton licensed to trade with Native Americans. It is supposed that this trade was primarily in furs. A common practice was for a trader to offer money or articles of value in exchange for the promised delivery of furs, which would then be sold at a great mark-up. If the fur delivery was defaulted, land would be exchanged for the debt. Joseph Parsons seems to have obtained much land by this means, including land upon which was established the town of Hadley, MA. The 1834 Usher Parsons study reported that Joseph Parsons owned 100 acres at the foot of Mount Tom, at a place called Pascommuck. Joseph Parsons "for half a century remained the richest man in the Connecticut Valley" . On Nov 26, 1646, Joseph Parsons married Mary Bliss in Hartford, CT. They became the parents of 13 children, 5 girls and 8 boys. It seems probable their first three children were born in Hartford, as their births were not recorded in Springfield.


In Dorchester, in 1656, almost 40 years before the witchcraft travesty in Salem, MA, Joseph Parsons filed a lawsuit for slander, seeking damages against Sarah Bridgman, wife of James Bridgman. The suit accused Sarah Bridgeman of calling Mary Bliss Parsons a witch. Sarah Bridgman's child had died and she accused Mary Parsons of causing the child's death. Other neighbors came forward with similar accusations. The quality of the evidence produced against Mary Bliss Parsons is indicated by testimony of Mrs Bridgeman on behalf of an older son, whose knee, being fractured and it being set, the child screamed in great pain that Mary Parsons was pulling his leg off and that he saw her on the shelf; when she went away, a black mouse followed her. Trial resulted in a verdict for Mary Parsons, which prompted the suit for slander, which was won by Joseph and Mary Bliss Parsons. The defendants were order to make a public apology and to pay the plaintiffs' costs: "seaven pounds, one shilling and eight pence."


But the matter did not end there.


Nineteen years later, in 1675, Mary Parsons was again accused of witchcraft when Sarah Bridgman herself died. These accusations, made by the father and the husband of the deceased, prompted the prosecution of Mary Bliss Parsons. Mary was indicted by a grand jury and imprisoned in Boston for several months and then put on trial. Her ordeal included the examination of her person by "Soberdized, Chast women to make Diligent Search upon ye body of Mary Parsons, whether any marks of witch craft might appear." She was acquitted.


Such allegations as were made against Mary Bliss Parsons, by neighbors of long standing, living within minutes of one another's homes, treating with one another virtually every day, parents of families, whose children would have know one another in every aspect of small town life – such life-threatening denunciations must surely have sundered many friendships and provoked the deepest of bitter feelings. Dorchester, after 1656, like Salem after 1691, could not have been a happy place. In this the first American generation, the Puritan experiment had turned toxic within itself.


1664, Joseph Parsons was charged with resisting a constable in his lawful duties. Court records indicate that the constable had meant to appropriate oxen belonging to Joseph Parsons for use on a public project, as decreed by county authorities. There followed "Scuffling in the busyness whereby blood was drawn between them." The charge was not denied and Joseph sold an acre and a half to the town in payment of the fine, part of which was abated owing to Joseph's apology.


Joseph was the plaintiff or defendant in several suits over money owed. Some of these were settled out of court; in some cases, payment was made through the court or a parcel of land would be sold to satisfy the debt.


On the 7th of October 1678, the General Court appointed Joseph Parsons, Sr. to be "Cornet of the Troop of Hoarse," Hampshire Co. . With this appointment, Joseph was third in command and the color-bearer of the Hampshire Cavalry.


Joseph Parsons died on October 9, 1683. He was probably buried in the Elm Street cemetery, in Springfield, and in 1848, reburied in a mass grave near the Pine Street entrance to the present Springfield Cemetery, when land within the cemetery was needed for the Hartford-Springfield railroad.

!Source: Origins of the Bliss Family in England

The American Bliss families can trace their roots mainly to two counties in England, Northamptonshire and Gloucestershire. Contrary to the information erroneously reported by many, the Bliss lines are NOT from Belstone, Devonshire. Belstone, Devonshire was never the home of Thomas Bliss or any other Bliss. Genealogies based on Blisses from Belstone are incorrect.

The Newport and Rehoboth lines link back to their father, John Blisse of Daventry, and later, Preston Capes and Preston Parva.

The Hartford line is traced to County Gloucester, probably to Painswick, an old Cotswold wool town. We know that Thomas Bliss resided in Rodborough, Gloucestershire for a time, and that his wife, Margaret was born there. Thomas's father is unknown. According to the research of Aaron Tyler Bliss, Thomas is undoubtedly a descendant of John Blisse of Tyringham, a feudal serf.

The earliest Blisses are described by Aaron Tyler Bliss in Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America. Click here for a summary.

The Bliss Charity School in Nether Heyford, Northants, was endowed with income from lands in the will of William Bliss. William Bliss, a wine merchant living in Southwark, died in 1674. William had been born and brought up in Nether Heyford, later moving to London. In his will, William left £400 to the village: £100 to buy a Schoolhouse and £300 to buy land, whose rent would pay for the Schoolmaster and the upkeep of the School. The Bliss Charity School in Nether Heyford, Northants, was endowed with income from lands in the will of William Bliss. William Bliss, a wine merchant living in Southwark, died in 1674. William had been born and brought up in Nether Heyford, later moving to London. In his will, William left £400 to the village: £100 to buy a Schoolhouse and £300 to buy land, whose rent would pay for the Schoolmaster and the upkeep of the School.