Charles Edgar Finney


Personal and Family Information

Charles was born on 24 AUG 1865, the son of Charles Edwin Finney and Susan Morton Leonard. The place is not known.

He died on 19 MAR 1916 in Chigago, Illinois.

His wife was Bianca Von Weber. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Charles Edgar Finney


Charles Edwin Finney


William Finney


William Finney


Martha Patty Harlow


Betsey Emory Hackett


Susan Morton Leonard



Birth24 AUG 1865
Death19 MAR 1916
Place: Chigago, Illinois


Note 1

!Source:'s OneWorldTree. Unlabeled tree - Contact: Unkown. Contains Finney descendants beginning with Jeffrey, born 1532.