Kelly Welsh


Personal and Family Information

Kelly was born about 1938, the daughter of Albert Henry Welsh and Mabel Ada Pizzey. The place is not known.

Her husband was Albert A Wierikko. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Kelly Welsh


Albert Henry Welsh


Mikael Simon [Charles] Welsh [Washkaski]


Michael Washkaski


Katharina Schuler


Mary Ann Wilson


Colin Wilson


Annie Hotchkiss


Mabel Ada Pizzey



BirthABT 1938


Note 1

!Source : 1910 United States Federal Census Kellie Welsh Family Tree, akaent,

This is the author of the above tree. I’ll list her as Kelly for the tree name.

At least one son and one granddaughter.