John D Childress


Personal and Family Information

John was born about 1735 in Goochland, Virginia, the son of unknown parents.

He died about 1825 in Goochland, Virginia.

His wife was Rachel Perkins, who he married in 1753 in Albermarie, Virginia. Their only known child was Salley (1763-1816).


BirthABT 1735
Place: Goochland, Virginia
DeathABT 1825
Place: Goochland, Virginia


Note 1


John D Childress Sr

Captain [uncertain] John D [uncertain] Childress Sr [uncertain] aka Childers

Born about 1735 in Goochland, Virginiamap [uncertain]

Ancestors ancestors

Son of Henry Childers II and Mary Childers

Brother of Abraham Henry Childers III, Lucretia Childers, Henry Childers Jr, Anne Cannon, Millicent Childress, John C Childress Sr, Phoebe Butler, Mary Childers, Thomas Childers, Anna Bowman, Godfrey Childers, Sarah Childers and David C. Childers Sr


Husband of Elizabeth Childress — married 1751 in Amherst, Virginiamap

Husband of Rachel Childress — married 1753 in Albermarle, Virginiamap

Descendants descendants

Father of Mitchell Childress, Robert Childress, John Childress Jr and Salley Sally Howard


Died about 1825 at about age 90 in Goochland, Virginia, United Statesmap [uncertain]

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Childress-461 created 13 Aug 2014 | Last modified 14 Dec 2023




John Childers Sr was born about 1735 in Goochland, Virginia, son of Henry Childers II and Mary Childers .


His siblings were:


Lucretia Childers

Henry Childers Jr

Abraham Henry Childers III

Millicent Childress

Anne Childress

John C Childress Sr

Phoebe Butler

Mary Childers

Thomas Childers

Godfrey Childers

Sarah Childers

David C. Childers Sr


John married Elizabeth Stinnett in 1751 in Amherst, Virginia.[citation needed]


John married Rachel Perkins in 1753 in Albermarle, Virginia. Their children were:


Mitchell Childress

Robert Childress


John was mentioned in his father's Will[1]


John was also mentioned in Benjamin Stinnett Sr's Will.[2]


John died about 1825 in Goochland aged ~90.




1810 - Henrico, Virginia[3]

1820 Census - Goochland, Virginia, United States.[4]


Research Notes


1785 Census - VA Amherst: Lucey Childress 2 souls 1 dwlg 2 bldgs; Goolsbey Childress 2 souls; John Childress, Pedlar 9 souls; Henry Childress 10 souls; Phillip Gowen 12 souls; William Meredith 8 souls 1 dwlg 2 bldgs;[citation needed]


Marriage to Elizabeth K Armstrong[citation needed]


Transcription of father's Will


In the name of God, Amen.

- I Henry Childers of the Parish of Cornwall in the County of Lunenburgh being of perfect memory do make publick and declare my last will and testament as follows to wit. First my debts and funeral expenses being first paid.


I give my beloved wife, Mary, her plantation whereon I now dwell with two hundred acres of land bound by a line of marked trees already _______ beginning on Farmers Lane and running to Paul Carrington's corner red oak including the plantation to her my said wife during her natural life.


I also give my said wife, a negro girl called Hannah also my personal estate of any kind whatever during her natural life or widowhood. Also I give and devise to my son Jno. Childers my grey horse saddle & bridle which I usually ride, also after my wife’s death I give and devise to my son Henry Childers the plantation two hundred acres of land whereon I live laid off as is mentioned to my wife to him and his heirs forever, also I give and devise to my son Thomas two hundred acres of land the remaining part of the land whereon I live to him and his heirs forever, also my will and desire is that after my wife's death or marriage The aforesaid slave Hanna and her increase and all my personal estates , be equally divided between all my children, to wit John, Lucresha, Phebia, Anne, Henry, Thomas, Millicent, Mary, Godfrey, Sarah & David to them and their heirs forever also I order and direct that my estate be not appraised also I do constitute and appoint my friend Paul Carrington to be my executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills & testaments by me heretofore made. In Testament whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this the twenty first day of December, one thousand seven hundred seven hundred and sixty. Henry Childers SS sign'd seal'd published and declared by the Testator to be his last will and Testament in presence of the subscribing witnesses William Goen, Thomas Rutledge, William Mullings




Goen is a family connected to the Childers family