

Personal and Family Information

Margreta was born about 1523, the daughter of unknown parents. The place is not known.

She died about 1569. The place is not known.

Her husband was John Hotchkiss, who she married on 26 NOV 1547 in Pickworth, Lincolnshire, England. Their six known children were Agneta (c1548-c1567), Joanna (c1550-?), Alicia (c1551-?), William (c1554-c1574), Margaret (c1558-?) and Henry (c1568-c1569).


BirthABT 1523
DeathABT 1569
Burial1 JAN 1569
Place: Pickworth, Lincolnshire, England


Note 1

!Source: Lincolnshire Marriages And Banns

First name Johem

County Lincolnshire

Last name Huskenson

Country England

Sex Male

Archive Lincolnshire Archives

Marriage year 1547

Page 3

Marriage date 26 Nov 1547

Event type Marriages

Spouse's first name Margareta

Record set Lincolnshire Marriages And Banns

Spouse's last name -

Category Birth, Marriage & Death

Spouse's residence Pikworth

Subcategory Parish Marriages

Place Pickworth

Collections from England, Great Britain

!Source: Lincolnshire Burials

First name Margarita

Country England

Last name Huskingson

Archive Lincolnshire Archives

Sex Female

Page 37

Birth year -

Record set Lincolnshire Burials

Burial year 1569

Category Birth, Marriage & Death

Burial date 01 Jan 1569

Subcategory Parish Burials

Place Pickworth

Collections from England, Great Britain

County Lincolnshire