Elizabeth Marina Moore


Personal and Family Information

Elizabeth was born about 1707, the daughter of unknown parents. The place is not known.

Her husband was James Howard. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.


BirthABT 1707


Note 1

!Source: Elizabeth Marina Howard


Elizabeth Marina Howard formerly Moore

Born about 1707 [location unknown]

Ancestors ancestors

Daughter of Epaphroditus Moore and Elizabeth Moore

Sister of Penelope Hare, Mary Moore, Rebecca Cain, John Moore, Epaphroditus Moore, Judith Hurst, Charity Walston, Rachel Standly, Christian Bracewell, Ann Cotten and Elizabeth Stevenson

Wife of James Howard — married [date unknown] [location unknown]

[children unknown]

Died [date unknown] [location unknown]


Profile last modified 18 Nov 2023 | Created 15 May 2016



Elizabeth was born about 1707. She is the daughter of Epaphroditus Moore and Elizabeth House. [1]


↑ A source for this information is needed.